Sunday, June 04, 2006

I am so ashamed sometimes...

I was watching tv today, and saw this program with Dr. Wayne Dyer and a woman named Immaculée Ilibagiza. I want to remember her clearly the next time I am tempted to sit upon my "pity pot" and feel sorry for myself regarding whatever situation I am in.

This woman stayed hidden in a cramped space of about 4x3' with seven other women during the genocide of her people in 1994. For THREE MONTHS she stayed hidden, weighing an astonishing 65 pounds upon her release from this hideous situation.

She found God in there... in the depth of her misery and suffering, she found God. And the most profound thing she said when I heard her speak on PBS today was: "When we hurt ANYONE else, ultimately, we hurt ourselves somehow." For more of what this astonishing woman has to say, go to:

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