Saturday, December 24, 2005

No dice

Well, I guess they decided my portfolio was too slim to show my skills... and didn't want to take a chance on me. That's fine. I've since changed my posting on craigslist to say I'm not interested in a 9-5 "in-house" position.

Got my game plan in order... so I'll be going out on Monday to visit the first of the printers. I hope I won't have to go through the entire list before I find one that's interested. Once I have these brochures and biz cards in my possession, I'll move on to phase two... which will be to take them, in person, to local businesses. I think I'll get a better response that way than by mailing them out or choosing some form of media for advertising.

Any thoughts on this anyone? If there are any flaws in my thinking I'd prefer that they were pointed out before I hit the pavement...

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