Friday, January 25, 2002

Another day another disappointment. The parts to repair my dishwasher came in, finally, so he came and repaired it, only to find that the heating element was dead, and may have been what blew out the computer to begin with. Gotta wait 'til next week now for THAT to come in. Sigh. Maybe we should have just bought a whole new dishwasher.

I've been spending so much time chatting online that I haven't gotten to my email for days... sigh. Never enough time.

And I keep having sinus headaches every day lately. I really really wish it would STOP!

My oldest son, Frank, swept & mopped last night, so at least the floor isn't all sticky and yucky any more. It's always something! I wish I could afford a maid to get the rest of the cleaning done... sigh.

gotta hold the baby now... time to go

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