Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Should we or shoudn't we?

Okay. We're watching this hurricane, and it's looking more and more like it might hit us. So should we go hog-wild crazy and board up, or wait and see? My husband is working 12 hour shifts from now through the weekend (7:30pm-7:30am) so he's going to be zonked tomorrow, and maybe on Friday too.

On the other hand, if it really looks like it's gonna hit us, he'll probably be given time off work... (there goes that precious OT!) and my son might be given some time off as well. In which case they'll have plenty of time to deal with Hurricane prep. Too bad we can't afford all the supplies that people are recommended to lay in...


Heykiddo said...

Hang in there. My folks are preppring as well. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts.

Mike Da Hat said...

The last time we had a "hurricane" here I had two empty plastic plant pots on my garden table, they were still there the next morning. Now that was scary. Everywhere else trees down, floods, the lot. WE never get bad weather. I'm sure it's aliens who are protecting Peterborough. They lived next door to me.

Sister Sunshine said...

Thanks for thinking of me, y'all!
: )