Tuesday, August 31, 2004

A blading we will go...

Hooray! I got me a pair of rollerblades from a wonderful lady on freecycle

I picked them up on my way to the gym this morning, and I'm looking forward to using them... albeit a bit slowly at first since I don't have ANY protective gear (and I'd rather buy that new than get it used, since it's something we SWEAT LIKE CRAZY into!)

Went up to level 3 on the stepmill this morning. I wonder if I'll EVER reach a point where I can work out on that machine without wanting to quit halfway through my 20 minutes? Ugh. It's a murderous piece of equipment. But I know it's shaping me up, so I'll endure the torture.

Got a PTA meeting tonight for Timmy's school. Normally I wouldn't give a rat's ass about such things, but I'm dying to know what's going on with the building, and when we'll be able to move in and quit attending the alternate site. Plus I'm hoping I can FINALLY get the shirts I already paid for... it's getting tiresome washing the same 2 shirts over and over for him to wear.

Found out yesterday that our martial arts classes will always be on Monday and Wednesday now, weather permitting (since they're held outside in the yard)

It's nice to know when to expect to have a class because the last few times caught me off guard and I had to hurry up, get ready, and rush over there. I try not to miss lessons, except when my throat was sore and I had Oded visiting... because he's teaching me for free and I want to show that I appreciate it by being diligent. I do hope, however, that he'll let me tidy up his website for him one of these days to repay his kindness.


Sister Sunshine said...

Okay. Silly me. Guess what I did?
The first time I wore the rollerblades, they felt too loose... so I went to tighten them up and BROKE THEM! UGH. Oh well... easy come, easy go!
: (

bleed-me said...

thanks for dropping by Sunshine. :)

Wayne said...

Aiya! You broke the rollerblade! *gasp*

Hurry, when they still look new... sell them on Ebay!!

(ops, i'm bad)

Sister Sunshine said...

Too late. They went straight into the garbage. Later I realized I should have at least saved the wheels... sigh.
: (